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Evaluation: Music Magazine

For my foundation production, I have produced my own music magazine. This consisted of creating my own original front page, contents page and double page spread. Within these pages, I used my own photographs, taken of friends that modelled for the magazine and knowledge of music magazines based upon research and analysis’s of front pages, contents pages and double page spreads. I used LIIAR in this analysis’s (Language, Institution, Ideology, Audience and Representation).

My music magazine has been aimed towards is between the ages of 16-25. Within my magazine, I tried to use, and stick to as many of the researched conventions as I could, as I wanted this magazine to look like the magazines you see in shops. My magazine is of a electro/house/dance music genre, I tried to find magazines to similar style and genre as well as researching alternative magazine’s such as “Kerrang!” which is an extremely well known and popular rock magazine. I wanted my magazine to have an upbeat electro look and feel to it, not pop, but not too grunge and rock like Kerrang, Rock Sound etc. One of the main conventions I tried to use in my magazine was a consistent house style, as I believe this gives the magazine a quality of consistency. I also looked at applying most other conventions to my magazine such as Masthead, left third (part of magazine showing when on display), Sell line, Screamers and Images. I feel that I have produced good pieces and they fit well together. I kept consistent colours throughout to keep consistency and I believe the finish effect gave the magazine a very professional look, also making it easy to see that these pages where all from the same magazine.

My magazine that I created was aimed for a more youthful audience, within the genre of electro/dance/house etc. With this being the genre, the ideology has lead to me create an electric, technologic look thought my magazine, the style is very different and fits will with the genre of music, and I would hope it would appeal to people of this genre. I also believe my magazine would be attractive to males and females of the social groups it is aimed at.

While designing my magazine, I had to think about the genre of music and social group that would be purchasing my magazine. I had to think about how the magazine would be presented and how the images would be places and manipulated, also how the photos where taken to attract the right audience. I also researched fonts and typography for my magazine, for the masthead, splash etc. My magazine would be sold on the high street, as well as an available online subscription. As shown in my double page spread, My magazine will also have a website, for as previously mentioned, subscribing to the magazine and also for catching up on the latest news, videos and what’s coming in the next issue. Also articles with information left out from the magazine, such as not being able to fit a whole interview into the magazine the uncut version will be posted online for readers to read what was not published. I believe posting more information and articles online would be a great way to draw the younger generation in and appeal a lot more to them, as the internet is widely used and available in the life of most average teenagers. I feel my magazine would be best distributed between the technology and music section, possibly alongside currently running DJ magazines. I myself would find my magazine extremely interesting, and while asking my friends I feel they would also be interested in such a magazine. I believe I have hit the correct age range and social group. I chose to aim for this age and social group as I believe they are the people that would find it the most interesting and become potential customers. The magazine is also easier to aim and this audience, with the use of internet, email etc.

I believe I bridge the gap between the magazine and the social group with the way my magazine looks and feels, as well as the content within. I’ve made my magazine easier to understand, but easy on the eye and nice to look at, copying trends from the front cover over to the double page spread and vice versa. I didn’t use too much colour, kept it rather minimal. I believe this look is becoming more and more accepted and desired now within my selected target audience, and people my age.

When producing this magazine in the early stages, I used all the above information and research within my first plans, IE in the positioning of things and layout within the pages to give it a desirable look. I have been using Photoshop for around 4-5 years and feel very able using the program to create high standard professional work.

I didn’t manipulate my original photographs in a major way, other than cropping and changing the hue, saturation, brightness and contrast to improve the images. The images worked extremely well with the look and feel of the magazine, throughout.

When looking at my original ideas and plans, I can see that my work hasn’t changed dramatically, but it has only improved in quality of work, and with making it look more professional. I believe I reached all of my tasks and in some areas surpassed them.

My work has been looked over by friends, and I have asked for opinions and they believe it works well and looks professional. The look of my magazine was exactly what I was looking for in the magazine, I surpassed my own hopes. The magazine is professional looking and reaches out to the desired audience and genre. I believe its well presented and the images all worked well, in harmony with each other. The polls on my blog show that people think positively towards my own work and show like towards my final product, which I believe reaches all the desired targets.

Final Double Page Spread

Final Contents Page

Final Magazine Cover


These are all photographs I have taken of my magazine models.

Hand Rendered/IT Drafts

IT Drafts:

Front Cover:

Double Page Spread:

Contents Page:

Spider Diagram + Mood Board

Conventions of Double Page Spread

Here are Music Magazine Double Page Spreads, I will now explain conventions of them.


The Kerrang! double page spread is very fitting to the Kerrang! look and house style, this also giving it the same audience feel as the cover and contents page.

After taking a closer look, the black and white images fit extremely well, using the red to make anything that is important stand out.

The black and white theme fits amazingly well with the band, which you would have to know the band to see the link. Kerrang obviously know that the majority of their readers know the band, so the bridge can be made by all readers.

The red shows a sense, again, of danger which can be seen throughout the magazine. This mixed with the grungy messy font gives a real feel of the music and what this band are about.

I love the way that the photographs are presented like a film strip almost, like a storyline. this gives a great look and feel to the magazine, also again linking the reader to the magazine with the connection this effect makes to the band.

The red has a big representation also within the band and within this magazine.

Most of these connections can only be made if you know of the band, and brief history if them.


The NME has a great complimentary colour scheme, blue ranging to black works really well and compliments the colour of the bands shirts.

The composition looks like some type of collage or a pin board in someone's room.

The article itself to me looks like something that will be read by someone around the age of 16+, but probably around he age of 18-22.

The messy theme of the page fits well with the bands look also, a good band, well put together and good content, but a casual look. Just like the Band.

Within the pages, the article colour becomes symbolic to the band, so you know what your ready, another piece of ideology.

The layout of the page could be seen as very uneven, with the image taking up the whole of the left page. But if you take a closer look you'll see as previously mentioned that the dark blue on the background of the text is the same as the bands shirts colour. This colour match means that the pages seem more evenly balanced for a well made page.

All of this will be taken into consideration when I produce my double page spread.

I like the layouts of both of these pages, they're both similar but I like the way they work.

Conventions of Contents Page

Here are Music magazine content pages, I will now explain the conventions of them.

Rock Sound:

The rock sound contents page give off a feel of rock, which fits well for the genre of magazine it is. the stars in the bottom left hand corner could be representations of star tattoo's traditionally symbolic of a rock genre/life style.

The rock sound title itself tells the audience what it is, a magazine about rock music.

Rock sound looks and feels like the same kind of magazine as Kerrang! but made slightly for the older generation as well, catering for most people.

Even though the magazine is again, like a rebellious teen, the contents page shows extreme order, again giving a more sophisticated feel to this magazine.

The red and white represents a slight feel of danger possibly, which is a feeling throughout rock.

Splatters and disorganised text within gives a messy look, which really add to the feel and representation of this magazine, also adding to the ideology.

The whole contents page has heavy rock symbolism within it, intertwined with representation, ideology and language, this contents pages works extremely well and i will take this into consideration when producing my magazine.


This contents page is the same throughout many issues of Kerrang!, this has a continual house style, this style continues to the website and the cover, and even CD's etc.

The chaotic style of the contents page matches well with the front cover, along with the house style this create a strong bond when you open the magazine.

The audience of this magazine is obviously teens as previously stated, but it is furthermore shown through this contents page with a sense of danger, breaking the mould etc.

The colours are bold, and attract the right audience for this magazine and genre. The images are again main focus, with the information wrapping around them to create a tight area filled with information.

The colours are also symbolic to this magazine, in the way they are used. The yellow on grey is contrasting like a warning sign, but they work well together in this sense. This logo and colour combination are a house style for Kerrang! and becoming extremely well known.

Again all of this will be taken into consideration when designing my magazine contents page.

Conventions of Front Covers

Here are Music Magazine covers, I will now explain the conventions of them using LIIAR.


The masthead is strong bold and straight to the point, rebellious, this is emphasised by the cracks in the text as if its breaking the mould. The word itself fits with the genre, rock. Kerrang it sounds grungy and rock-like. The language itself is different from other magazines, like "Metallica storm the UK" - instead of simply saying "Metallica come to the UK" it makes it sound more strong, violent. Like a rock magazine, reaching out to the audience.

The kerrang font and "K!" is symbolic of Kerrang now, this is ideology, as you can see on this cover, the male in the main image is covered in tattoo's, this as well is symbolic to rock, again giving this magazine another feel of rock and connecting with the audience and the genre.

From this cover, I would say the audience that it is produced for is mainly teenagers, prominently male and possibly some older readers. This magazine gives a young rebellious feel to it, like most teenagers, they like to rebel, be different, and this is what this magazine does, creating a strong bond with the audience through this connection of attributes.

The colours and fonts, the boldness of it all brings to mind a representation of again rebellious teens, this magazine represents what these teenagers are in many ways. They could be strong, bold or different. The magazine caters for all of its readers within its selected audience, through the strong representations.

Rolling Stones:

The masthead of this is covered by the subject, in this case "Metallica". This doesn't affect that magazine in any way, because of its strong representation and symbolism. The masthead is extremely symbolic to this magazine, the style, the colour and the look, most people would recognise just a small section of the masthead. the writing is traditional, in many ways like the magazine. its elegant yet simplistic, but it works amazingly well.

The subject image is the main focus, telling us that its the main thing in the magazine, also maybe putting the genre of magazine across to the audience. This gives a classic rock magazine feel to it, not classic music but a classic magazine, of music. Well made and well put together. Also as previously mentioned, the masthead is extremely symbolic, this is why it can be covered up, even 50% covered and it will still be recognised.

From the look of this clean cut magazine, it looks like its for the more mature music magazine reader, 20+. it looks classy and sophisticated.

This magazine is represented very easily, by the logo and the masthead. All of the cover subjects are representative of the contents and usually of music. Metallica are extremely representative of rock music, but possibly the kings of Rock. Making the magazine have a sophisticated, elegant feel.

Magazine Conventions

Presented with the brief of producing my own Music Magazine, the first thing I thought I must do, and what was crucial, was the Conventions of a Music Magazine, and not just a Music magazine but also another magazine to see the comparisons and differences.

Music Magazine -

Obviously, a music magazine will differ from a normal magazine. To show the differences, I will use a well known rock magazine, Kerrang and compare it to another magazine such as .

Kerrangs language used reflects the audience, predominately male and teens to early 20's, its straight to the point and fast, like the music within the magazine. The magazine name, Kerrang! is also portrayed as a thing of defiance, breaking the mould with the rebellious font used in the masthead title. The font itself is strong and bold, big black letters with what look like cracks within the writing.

The layout of the magazine is quite messy, deliberately messy, like a teenagers desk or pin board. This gives the feel of what kind of magazine this is and again portrays it extremely well.

Bright colours are used throughout, and the usually large masthead is always black and white, whether it be the font black and the background white, or the font white and the background black.

The cover itself is well composed, with the inside articles layered around the main subject, usually a medium shot of the band/artist. laying the writing around the subject and putting it on a strong bold background makes the subject stand out straight away. Also the masthead is always behind the subject, if the subjects head is going over its space and onto the masthead, it was lay over the masthead not underneath it. If, in some cases, the information or titles are on top of the subject itself, they are bright bold and contrasting to the colour of the subjects clothing etc. depending on where it is placed.

You ideology of this magazine can be seen in such as, previously mentioned, the font in the masthead, along with the layout and colours. They are all rebellious, broken and bold, loud. These all reflect the rock contents of this magazine and why people buy it.

As you can see, all these attributes are in place on Kerrang! magazine, but they differ in a regular magazine.

a Magazine such as OK magazine would differ in a lot of ways. Firstly, the ideology would be completely different. Big headlines to attract females predominantly of all ages. It isn't trying to attract a rock audience, its about celebs and gossip.

The language is different, used to attracted the right audience. Gossip talk etc. It's used to attract teenager's and women all all ages.

The masthead has similar qualities, its bold, and is always behind the subject.

As you can see, the differences are quite significant. These are what, in this case, makes a music magazine. These will all be taken into consideration when making my Music Magazine

Music Magazine main tasks

This is a list of tasks I will need to complete to successfully plan and produce my magazine cover and double page spread.

► Explain LIIAR
► Conventions of a Music Magazine
► Conventions of a normal Magazine
► Compare Conventions
► Conventions of front pages
► Conventions of contents pages
► Conventions of double page spreads
► Spider Diagram
► Mood board
► Planning and Research (Types of magazines, Typography, Style, photography etc.)
► Hand Rendered and IT Drafts
► Photographs
► Analise drafts, change and tweak,
► Produce final draft using photographs taken etc.
► Evaluate

All these things will be completed in time for the given deadline.


The concept of LIIAR within Music Magazines.

angauge - Terminology and wording used in media text, which should be relevant to genre, audience, and the specific piece of media. Such as: Cover lines, main image, mastheads, selling line etc.

I nstition - The company/organisation within which produces the media.

I deology - This is the reason they sell produce the media, what it is for. For example a music magazine is for/about music. A TV magazine is for/about TV.

A udience - The people, age group, sex etc that the media is aimed at.

R epresentation - How concepts are represented in the media, such as stereotypes etc, such as how you see a certain character and remember something, this person becomes representational towards this thing.

The Brief

Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph o a student in medium close-up plus appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout connects page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.

Main Task: the font page and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images the text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.

Presentation Of Work: The presentation of the research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one, or combination of two or more, of the following:- A presentation using slide show software such as

- A PowerPoint;

- A blog;

- A podcast;



My main task was to create a college magazine front cover, along side drafting a contents page. For this I knew I would need to do research for my project, research based upon conventions of a front cover, convents of a contents page. I would also needs to research and deconstruct exciting magazines, college and other genres too. I also produced two mood boards, the first consisting of magazines I think students, or the target audience would read, I also produced one based upon items which I believe are desirable to the target audience.

For my magazine, I designed to design it for my college, “Wyke”. The colour theme for Wyke’s logo etc is Purple on Green, the negatives of each other. I also used the usual conventions for my cover such as a masthead, cover line, cover image, main article. I discovered the conventions through my research. I compared college magazines, and compared commercial magazines to college magazines to see the conflicting attributes.

For my work I created a Blog to present it, this also made it easy for me to work on my project from home, and anywhere in the college. On this I uploaded all of my work, my research and my plans. I also had to think of what to use in the components on my magazine, such as the magazine masthead. I could imitate Vogue’s masthead, but I have to think of the content within the masthead. I came up with a few cover stories and headlines, so I had a variety of ideas for my final piece.

I believe my magazine has many strengths personally, mostly as it fits in with the style and colour scheme of the college. When I asked for peoples opinions, the feedback I received were that it was very professional looking, natural and bold. Well constructed and designed. I received very positive feedback towards my magazine.

I was also told that my magazine would be well suited to the audience I was aiming it at. This was very pleasing since the people I was asking for feedback was my target audience, they said they would happily read it and it strongly appeals to them.

When I was designing my front cover, the layout came from an old hand rendered draft. I didn’t see many designs with a side masthead, but I liked the idea. I worked upon this design to finalise it, adding the font “Arial” from my research into typography, and also my colour scheme that has previously been mentioned.

This magazine needs to be representational of college, students etc. I believe that is you was a student of wyke college, you would find the magazine very representational of the college. This magazine needs to show it’s a college magazine, this can be shown through the masthead subheading “College magazine”.

Finally I brought together all my work. I did not add a barcode, as I didn’t have a price since the magazine is not for sale, its for distribution throughout the college. All my work was finally uploaded and displayed on my Blog, I redesigned my blog with a new layout, as I take pride in my work and I want it to not only look good, but the content to be to the same standard.
As an extra piece, I decided to produce an actual contents page, instead of just draft. The contents page has page numbers in numeric orders, it fits with the magazine cover and the colour scheme. The contents page also fits with the conventions of a contents page, and the feedback again was positive.

I took inspiration from everyday desirable objects, alongside with today’s magazines, and I believe this benefited me massively.

Final Magazine Cover

Final Magazine Cover:

This is my final magazine cover. I had a few problems along the way, but I believe I have produces a solid, well made cover. The aim is to attract the right audience, relate to the subject, inform and entertain. I used stuck to the colours from the Wyke logo as the colour scheme for my project, it works well, its bold and it connects with the college.

The above image is my final cover, but the below image was going to be my final design, before I realised it didn't work with the brief. According to the brief all photographs must be original, the below image has photos of an iPod and a picture of the wyke website. These where not original images by me, so I had to change them to something that was still symbolic to the article, but my original images.

I think the above cover did work, but over all I am pleased with my outcome. I believe the images I produced to stick to the brief look better, and are more fitting to the magazine.

The above image is my final IT draft of my magazine, as you can see I kept with the layout, placement and content. Along with the colour scheme etc.

Final Contents Page and Draft

Contents Page:

This is the contents page for my Magazine, As you can see, it follows the theme of my magazine cover, and all my Drafts.

I used the same colour theme as the wyke logo and my magazine cover. It follows the convents of a contents page, having featured articles, and a numerical ordered list of pages from the magazine.

Contents Page Final IT Draft:

This is a final draft of my Contents page, before I produce it.

As you can see, the colour theme has been the same throughout and I kept the same layout.

Unused Photograph

This is the only Photograph that hasn't been used on my magazine cover:

This is 1 of 2 photographs I took. Personally I don't think that this photograph was as strong, nor did it work as well as the other photograph.

Both of my photographs were Medium Close-Up, and both were not blurred. The only reason I decided to not use this photograph was because it didn't fit the magazine as well as the other photograph, which can be seen in my final magazine cover post.

Redefined IT Drafts

IT Draft 1: This is a draft of my original IT draft, in colour with more information.

IT Draft 2: This is a draft of my original IT draft, in colour with more information.

IT Draft 3: This is a draft of my original IT draft, in colour with more information.

IT Drafts Redefined:
I think i like the look IT draft 3 the most, Now I am going to further work upon it to produce my final product, putting into account all past work and research.

Magazine Photographs

Here are the two photographs I took for my Magazine:

Both of these photographs depict a girl holding a large book/folder, this is because I wanted something to fit with the Headline. Both of the Photographs are Medium Close-Ups, and I will be using one of them for my magazine cover.

Magazine Strories

WYKE College

Main Story:
Too Much To Handle!
"Do students have too much to carry? Even if they have a locker?"

Other articles:
Local Events/music
New Student Handbooks
Website redesign

IT Drafts (Front Cover)

IT Draft 1: A normal layout, using conventions and components I have picked up from other magazines.

IT Draft 2:
Simple, spread out, easy to use design.

IT Draft 3: Not as traditional, using inspiration from my mood boards, putting a simple twist on traditional design to make it simple but eye catching.

IT drafts:
These are 3 It drafts, slightly developed from my first hand rendered drafts, using inspiration from mood boards, previous research and applying what I have found out to refine designs.

IT Drafts (Contents Page)

IT Draft (Contents Page):

Contents Page:
I wanted to keep the contents page simple, not too over complicated. It needs to be easy to use and simple to read as its the key to the magazine.

Hand Rendered Drafts and Initial Plans

Hand Rendered Drafts and Initial Plans:

(Sorry for the poor quality of my scanner.)

As you can see, I have drafted 2 designs which resemble traditional magazine cover layout. I have
also designed one with a twist.

I will be researching and playing around with Fonts, but as for now I will be using Arial as my font.

The colours for my magazine need to be simple, and bold, Eye catching, but not tacky. This is why
I have opted for Green and Purple, the colours of the Wyke Logo. These two colours go well
together and are very significant to the college. They are also bold colours, yet simple. I believe that
these colours will work well together, but we shall see as the magazine progresses.


Establishing Shot:
This is used to show the location/place/set. "establishing" the surroundings.


typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings.


Medium Shot:
A full-length view of a human, showing no lower body, all above waist.


Medium Close-up Shot:
The medium closeup is between a medium shot and a close up. This shows the face clearly, without getting too close.


Close-up Shot:
Usually framing the face, the close up shot is useful for showing detail.


Extreme Close-up Shot:
This is used to get right in to the subject, and show extreme detail.


My Photography:
When I take my photograph for my College Magazine, I will use a Medium Close-Up Shot to stick to the brief.


These are various type faces that I have looked at for my College Magazine.

I liked all of these fonts, my favorite being the last font and fourth font. I believe they would both fit well into a college magazine, but I will come to this as the magazine is developed.

Mood boards


These are 2 compilations I have produced to show what I believe students or people reading college magazines may be into.

Magazine mood board:
This mood board represents what, In my opinion, college students may like to read. You have something for everyone. Vogue for fashion, Edge for gaming, Kerrang and NME for Music, Stuff and Topgear for car and gadget lovers. All these magazine's have something in common; they all attract the same group of people I will want to read My College Magazine. Therefor I will put their style and layout into consideration for my magazine, as I need to attract the same group of people.

Fashion/Trends/Gadgets Mood board:

This mood board represents again what, In my opinion, most college students would like to own/have. A large proportion of students and teenagers love music, and so for this reason I believe the concert ticket fits in well, and I could also look at adding a music element to my magazine, local talent or shows to attract the audience. Also the TV, Xbox, Blackberry MacBookiPod, these are very desriable items today, and they all share similar attributes, they're sleek and simple, yet complex and eye catching. These attributes alone make the items ever move desirable, eye catching, especially to students and teenagers. So when designing my magazine, I may look to these items for inspiration for style, as they attract so much attention from the desired audience of my magazine with minimal effort.

Photoshop Tutorial

This is a video I found on YouTube.com which I will be using as refrance for my magazine design. The tutorial itself is very easy to follow with simple but effecting tips and tricks.

Magazine Components

These are the components of a magazine cover and contents page:


- Masthead: The title of the magazine.

Issue Number: The number of the issue in the series of magazine.

Sub headings: These are similar to the Masthead, but not as dominant. They stand out to attract you to the main articles, but are small and placed around the page below the masthead.

Additional Information: information underneath the subheadings, explaining them.

Price: The price of the magazine so the audience know the price.

- Bardcode: Used to scan the product in shops.

Relevant Image: Image that is relevant to the heading, sub heading or information.

Contents Page

- Page Number: These are the page labels, they are the locations of the pages, in numerical order.

- Main Articles: These are the articles included, used to promote the magazine.

The rest are the same as above, but without barcodes and issue numbers.

Magazine Analysis (Contents Page)

College Magazine Contents Page Layout

This is the contents page of the magazine "Secondary Teacher" as you can see it follows the conventions of contents page layouts, with Page Numbers, Main Articles, Brief discriptions, regular articles and Revelant Images.

Mainstream Magazine Contents Page Layout

This is the contents page of the magazine "Rocksound" as you can see it follows the conventions of contents page layouts, with Page Numbers, Main Articles, Brief discriptions, regular articles and Revelant Images, Although these are spread over 2 pages.

These above contenst pages both share many similar, if not the same components and attributes,
Both magazines are similar, as well as the layouts. The fonts on each differ as they are aiming to impact different audiences. The language also is aimed at the relevant audience. Overall the magazines share the same atribbutes, but rocksound is over 2 pages.


Jordan Harrison.

Studied Product design and Btec Art and Design at Secondary School. Now working towards his Graphic Design career would love for you to get in touch about any work for him! Email me!

This Blog.

Is for the purpose of posting and displaying my AS Media Coursework only, Please do NOT comment for social purposes. For that, Look to the links section and contact me on my Phone Email or Home Email, or add me on either of the social network sites.