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Conventions of Contents Page

Here are Music magazine content pages, I will now explain the conventions of them.

Rock Sound:

The rock sound contents page give off a feel of rock, which fits well for the genre of magazine it is. the stars in the bottom left hand corner could be representations of star tattoo's traditionally symbolic of a rock genre/life style.

The rock sound title itself tells the audience what it is, a magazine about rock music.

Rock sound looks and feels like the same kind of magazine as Kerrang! but made slightly for the older generation as well, catering for most people.

Even though the magazine is again, like a rebellious teen, the contents page shows extreme order, again giving a more sophisticated feel to this magazine.

The red and white represents a slight feel of danger possibly, which is a feeling throughout rock.

Splatters and disorganised text within gives a messy look, which really add to the feel and representation of this magazine, also adding to the ideology.

The whole contents page has heavy rock symbolism within it, intertwined with representation, ideology and language, this contents pages works extremely well and i will take this into consideration when producing my magazine.


This contents page is the same throughout many issues of Kerrang!, this has a continual house style, this style continues to the website and the cover, and even CD's etc.

The chaotic style of the contents page matches well with the front cover, along with the house style this create a strong bond when you open the magazine.

The audience of this magazine is obviously teens as previously stated, but it is furthermore shown through this contents page with a sense of danger, breaking the mould etc.

The colours are bold, and attract the right audience for this magazine and genre. The images are again main focus, with the information wrapping around them to create a tight area filled with information.

The colours are also symbolic to this magazine, in the way they are used. The yellow on grey is contrasting like a warning sign, but they work well together in this sense. This logo and colour combination are a house style for Kerrang! and becoming extremely well known.

Again all of this will be taken into consideration when designing my magazine contents page.


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Jordan Harrison.

Studied Product design and Btec Art and Design at Secondary School. Now working towards his Graphic Design career would love for you to get in touch about any work for him! Email me!

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