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Magazine Conventions

Presented with the brief of producing my own Music Magazine, the first thing I thought I must do, and what was crucial, was the Conventions of a Music Magazine, and not just a Music magazine but also another magazine to see the comparisons and differences.

Music Magazine -

Obviously, a music magazine will differ from a normal magazine. To show the differences, I will use a well known rock magazine, Kerrang and compare it to another magazine such as .

Kerrangs language used reflects the audience, predominately male and teens to early 20's, its straight to the point and fast, like the music within the magazine. The magazine name, Kerrang! is also portrayed as a thing of defiance, breaking the mould with the rebellious font used in the masthead title. The font itself is strong and bold, big black letters with what look like cracks within the writing.

The layout of the magazine is quite messy, deliberately messy, like a teenagers desk or pin board. This gives the feel of what kind of magazine this is and again portrays it extremely well.

Bright colours are used throughout, and the usually large masthead is always black and white, whether it be the font black and the background white, or the font white and the background black.

The cover itself is well composed, with the inside articles layered around the main subject, usually a medium shot of the band/artist. laying the writing around the subject and putting it on a strong bold background makes the subject stand out straight away. Also the masthead is always behind the subject, if the subjects head is going over its space and onto the masthead, it was lay over the masthead not underneath it. If, in some cases, the information or titles are on top of the subject itself, they are bright bold and contrasting to the colour of the subjects clothing etc. depending on where it is placed.

You ideology of this magazine can be seen in such as, previously mentioned, the font in the masthead, along with the layout and colours. They are all rebellious, broken and bold, loud. These all reflect the rock contents of this magazine and why people buy it.

As you can see, all these attributes are in place on Kerrang! magazine, but they differ in a regular magazine.

a Magazine such as OK magazine would differ in a lot of ways. Firstly, the ideology would be completely different. Big headlines to attract females predominantly of all ages. It isn't trying to attract a rock audience, its about celebs and gossip.

The language is different, used to attracted the right audience. Gossip talk etc. It's used to attract teenager's and women all all ages.

The masthead has similar qualities, its bold, and is always behind the subject.

As you can see, the differences are quite significant. These are what, in this case, makes a music magazine. These will all be taken into consideration when making my Music Magazine


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Jordan Harrison.

Studied Product design and Btec Art and Design at Secondary School. Now working towards his Graphic Design career would love for you to get in touch about any work for him! Email me!

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