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Final Magazine Cover

Final Magazine Cover:

This is my final magazine cover. I had a few problems along the way, but I believe I have produces a solid, well made cover. The aim is to attract the right audience, relate to the subject, inform and entertain. I used stuck to the colours from the Wyke logo as the colour scheme for my project, it works well, its bold and it connects with the college.

The above image is my final cover, but the below image was going to be my final design, before I realised it didn't work with the brief. According to the brief all photographs must be original, the below image has photos of an iPod and a picture of the wyke website. These where not original images by me, so I had to change them to something that was still symbolic to the article, but my original images.

I think the above cover did work, but over all I am pleased with my outcome. I believe the images I produced to stick to the brief look better, and are more fitting to the magazine.

The above image is my final IT draft of my magazine, as you can see I kept with the layout, placement and content. Along with the colour scheme etc.


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Jordan Harrison.

Studied Product design and Btec Art and Design at Secondary School. Now working towards his Graphic Design career would love for you to get in touch about any work for him! Email me!

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