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Conventions of Double Page Spread

Here are Music Magazine Double Page Spreads, I will now explain conventions of them.


The Kerrang! double page spread is very fitting to the Kerrang! look and house style, this also giving it the same audience feel as the cover and contents page.

After taking a closer look, the black and white images fit extremely well, using the red to make anything that is important stand out.

The black and white theme fits amazingly well with the band, which you would have to know the band to see the link. Kerrang obviously know that the majority of their readers know the band, so the bridge can be made by all readers.

The red shows a sense, again, of danger which can be seen throughout the magazine. This mixed with the grungy messy font gives a real feel of the music and what this band are about.

I love the way that the photographs are presented like a film strip almost, like a storyline. this gives a great look and feel to the magazine, also again linking the reader to the magazine with the connection this effect makes to the band.

The red has a big representation also within the band and within this magazine.

Most of these connections can only be made if you know of the band, and brief history if them.


The NME has a great complimentary colour scheme, blue ranging to black works really well and compliments the colour of the bands shirts.

The composition looks like some type of collage or a pin board in someone's room.

The article itself to me looks like something that will be read by someone around the age of 16+, but probably around he age of 18-22.

The messy theme of the page fits well with the bands look also, a good band, well put together and good content, but a casual look. Just like the Band.

Within the pages, the article colour becomes symbolic to the band, so you know what your ready, another piece of ideology.

The layout of the page could be seen as very uneven, with the image taking up the whole of the left page. But if you take a closer look you'll see as previously mentioned that the dark blue on the background of the text is the same as the bands shirts colour. This colour match means that the pages seem more evenly balanced for a well made page.

All of this will be taken into consideration when I produce my double page spread.

I like the layouts of both of these pages, they're both similar but I like the way they work.


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Jordan Harrison.

Studied Product design and Btec Art and Design at Secondary School. Now working towards his Graphic Design career would love for you to get in touch about any work for him! Email me!

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