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My main task was to create a college magazine front cover, along side drafting a contents page. For this I knew I would need to do research for my project, research based upon conventions of a front cover, convents of a contents page. I would also needs to research and deconstruct exciting magazines, college and other genres too. I also produced two mood boards, the first consisting of magazines I think students, or the target audience would read, I also produced one based upon items which I believe are desirable to the target audience.

For my magazine, I designed to design it for my college, “Wyke”. The colour theme for Wyke’s logo etc is Purple on Green, the negatives of each other. I also used the usual conventions for my cover such as a masthead, cover line, cover image, main article. I discovered the conventions through my research. I compared college magazines, and compared commercial magazines to college magazines to see the conflicting attributes.

For my work I created a Blog to present it, this also made it easy for me to work on my project from home, and anywhere in the college. On this I uploaded all of my work, my research and my plans. I also had to think of what to use in the components on my magazine, such as the magazine masthead. I could imitate Vogue’s masthead, but I have to think of the content within the masthead. I came up with a few cover stories and headlines, so I had a variety of ideas for my final piece.

I believe my magazine has many strengths personally, mostly as it fits in with the style and colour scheme of the college. When I asked for peoples opinions, the feedback I received were that it was very professional looking, natural and bold. Well constructed and designed. I received very positive feedback towards my magazine.

I was also told that my magazine would be well suited to the audience I was aiming it at. This was very pleasing since the people I was asking for feedback was my target audience, they said they would happily read it and it strongly appeals to them.

When I was designing my front cover, the layout came from an old hand rendered draft. I didn’t see many designs with a side masthead, but I liked the idea. I worked upon this design to finalise it, adding the font “Arial” from my research into typography, and also my colour scheme that has previously been mentioned.

This magazine needs to be representational of college, students etc. I believe that is you was a student of wyke college, you would find the magazine very representational of the college. This magazine needs to show it’s a college magazine, this can be shown through the masthead subheading “College magazine”.

Finally I brought together all my work. I did not add a barcode, as I didn’t have a price since the magazine is not for sale, its for distribution throughout the college. All my work was finally uploaded and displayed on my Blog, I redesigned my blog with a new layout, as I take pride in my work and I want it to not only look good, but the content to be to the same standard.
As an extra piece, I decided to produce an actual contents page, instead of just draft. The contents page has page numbers in numeric orders, it fits with the magazine cover and the colour scheme. The contents page also fits with the conventions of a contents page, and the feedback again was positive.

I took inspiration from everyday desirable objects, alongside with today’s magazines, and I believe this benefited me massively.


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Jordan Harrison.

Studied Product design and Btec Art and Design at Secondary School. Now working towards his Graphic Design career would love for you to get in touch about any work for him! Email me!

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