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Magazine Analysis (Cover)

College Magazine Layout

These is "Beloit" which is a College Magazine. As you can see, it has grasped the usual aspect of a "college magazine" It has sub headings, Additional information, an Issue Number and a Masthead. These attributes are shared with most magazines. Where as not having a price like his magazine isn't consistent throughout all magazines.

Mainstream Magazine

This mainstream magazine has all the components of a magazine, many of which are the same as a college magazine, except this has the need for a bar code, and also a price.

This above magazines both share many similar, if not the same components and attributes, but the mainstream magazine has more on the front cover than the College magazine. This is because the Mainstream magazine is for sale, therefor it needs a bar code and a price.
Both magazines are similar, as well as the layouts. The fonts on each differ as they are aiming to impact different audiences. The language also changes from magazine to magazine.
Overall the mainstream magazine has more to offer, it appears on the cover. But the college magazine is aiming to different audiences, and also does not need a bar code or price.


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Jordan Harrison.

Studied Product design and Btec Art and Design at Secondary School. Now working towards his Graphic Design career would love for you to get in touch about any work for him! Email me!

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